G2 Series

Software DToolsPro V1.7.7 (Build 20250120) for programming the G2 Series you can find here http://kinco.rs/download/HMI/Kinco DToolsPro V1.7.7(Build250120).zip (1,01GB).

User Manual for software DToolsPro  you can find here http://kinco.rs/download/HMI/Kinco DToolsPro User Manual.pdf (9,3MB). This User Manual also you have available in Software DToolPro in Help Manu.

DToolsPro View v1.7.7. software is intended for remote controlling, downloading/uploading and accessing in general to HMI devices in G2 series. You can find it here DTPViewV1.7.7 (31,6MB).

The old version of the project for MT4000 or Green series can not be used by DToolsPro software, you have to make new applications for G2 series HMI.



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